Frostrom, Gregg

Meet the Candidate

Running For:
State House
Political Affiliation:
(910) 568-8059
Clinical Data Science Program Manager
A.A. Foreign Languages from the Defense Language Institute, B.A. Intelligence Studies from American Military University, MBA University of Arizona
wife Caroline, children Rebecca (24), Matthew (19), Ridley (17)
United Methodist
Biographical Info:

I’m Gregg Frostrom, US Army veteran, and devoted family man with a small-town upbringing, now striving to serve as your State Representative. Anchored by 23 distinguished years in Military Intelligence, my career spanned from Afghanistan to Arizona, and North Carolina to Kosovo. Since retiring as a Chief Warrant Officer Four, I earned an MBA and shaped a career in clinical research. Arizona has been home for a decade to me, my wife Caroline, and our three children who all thrived in public schools. I stand for democracy, quality education for all, rural healthcare access, and safeguarding our precious water resources.


I am so incredibly fortunate to have grown up in America and privileged to have served in the Army for more than two decades. Many of my neighbors, especially those in rural communities, don’t have the same privileges and opportunities that I had. I believe that we live in the greatest country in the history of the world because of our system of government and our guaranteed freedoms. Because of this, we have a moral obligation to ourselves to ensure that every Arizonan can take full advantage of the freedom and opportunity America offers. I’m committed to safeguarding Arizona’s water, expanding rural healthcare, enhancing and protecting public education, and defending democracy. My campaign welcomes our neighbors from all political stripes who seek a better way forward.


AZ NOW PAC, Save our Schools Arizona


Response Legend

  • SSupports
  • OOpposes
  • *Comment
  • Declined to respond
  • Declined to respond, Position based on citation

Question Response Comments/Notes
1. Interpreting the 2nd Amendment as protecting an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. O* While I understand guns and gun culture, having grown up with guns and carried them to war, I feel a plain text reading of the Constitution clearly indicates that the right to keep and bear arms is directly tied to the support of the organized militia, what we now know as the National Guard and Army Reserve. I believe that government must have the ability to limit some aspects of personal gun ownership and regulate the firearms manufacturing industry in order to protect the public safety.
2. Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination law. S* It is abundantly clear that people of different sexual orientation and gender identity throughout the country face discrimination, in some cases state-sanctioned, for simply being who they are and loving who they love. This is unacceptable.
3. Amending the Arizona State Constitution to grant a fundamental right to every individual to an abortion. S* A woman's personal medical decisions are between her, her doctor and her faith. Period. There are simply too many complications and variables in human development and pregnancy to dictate to women and their doctors strict time-based limits and prohibitions which have a chilling effect on sound medical practices and endanger women's lives and reproductive health.
4. Securing the border by preventing all illegal crossings. S* It is simply not possible to prevent ALL illegal crossings. We can and should fund more border security and immigration services for faster processing of asylum claims in order to disincentivize illegal crossings. This would have the added benefit of freeing up border security and law enforcement resources to fight both human and drug trafficking.
5. Using taxpayer funds to support any organization that performs, promotes, or provides referrals for abortion. S* Abortion and reproductive care is healthcare. It should, therefor, be subject to all other laws which govern healthcare including government funding and protections against discrimination, with certain religious exceptions.
6. Allowing all parents to use tax credits and taxpayer funded empowerment scholarship accounts to enable their children to attend any private school, homeschool, or online academy of their choice. O* ESA Vouchers strip local school systems of badly needed funding. Additionally, there is no comprehensive research which indicates ESA voucher students perform better or have better educational outcomes than non-voucher students. Schools which accept the vouchers operate under less rigorous standards than public schools, including certain education requirements for some teachers and criminal background checks for all staff.
7. Legalizing physician-assisted suicide. S* This is a deeply personal decision which should only be accessible to the terminally ill after consultation with medical professionals. I support the freedom to make such a choice.
8. Allowing parents to seek professional counseling for their minor child with same-sex attraction or gender identity issues. S* I fully support the right of parents to seek medical and psychological assistance, using peer-reviewed methods and treatments, to support minor children in navigating these questions of human sexual development.
9. Permitting individuals and businesses to not provide services or promote ideas that violate their moral or religious beliefs. O* While I'm generally in favor of "conscience clauses" at an individual level, we must remember that we also have laws that guarantee public accommodation. Especially accommodation for protected classes of people. For example, an individual pharmacist could refuse to fill a prescription for religious reasons, but the business must still serve that customer in a timely manner.
10. Keeping the flat income tax rate in Arizona’s state tax code. O* It is clear that the Gov. Ducey's Administration's tax revenue projections from the flat tax were grossly optimistic. The plummeting state revenues , especially when combined with higher than expected costs for ESA vouchers, make it clear that the flat tax is simply unaffordable.
11. Requiring any government entity, including schools, to inform parents about their child’s physical, emotional, or mental health. O* School counselors and teachers must have some latitude to use a level of discretion in sharing personal and, at times, confidential information about a child's physical, emotional or mental health. There is a delicate balance between fostering trust between a student and school staff and providing relevant information to a parent. But we should let teachers and counselors collaborate with parents in order to make those judgments. We should not dictate a one-size-fits-all solution.
12. Enhancing penalties for the sale and possession of fentanyl. S* Simultaneously, we need to invest in better drug diversion and treatment programs in order to reduce overall demand and cut fentanyl trafficking.